Welcome to Rosehill Reception Class
Welcome to our Reception page! We are excited to share and celebrate our learning. You can keep you up to date with everything that is going on in our busy reception class. As we share photos of all the fun we are having.
If you have any questions or feedback please get in touch.
Thank you for visiting our website.
Information about Reception
In reception children learn through the Foundation stage framework consisting of 7 areas of learning:
- Personal, Social and Emotional development
- Physical development
- Communication and language
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive Arts and Design
Each day the children explore learning through the environment and a range of activities both child initiated and adult directed. We incorporate activities which strengthen the upper body to help with writing. Such as physical literacy, dance, dough disco and fine motor.
The children take part in daily mathematics, literacy and phonics sessions to develop their understanding of number, shape, space and measure, reading, writing, letters and sounds.
The children access both indoor and outdoor provision daily which allows them to choose different activities which aim to further enhance and develop their skills.
Through continuous provision, group time and focused activities, we aim to support the children in their learning and development. Continuous observations are made of the children to establish their level of development and track their progress. Observations, photographs and children's work is evidence of each child's learning and development. This information is kept in their learning journeys.
Our aim is to support the children by enhancing and scaffolding their learning and play, watching them as they learn new skills and flourish.
Our reception team:
Mrs Sangha |
Miss Rani |
Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Hussain |
Reception Curriculum News
Autumn 1 (2024)
Welcome to Squirrels and Badgers Class.
We hope you all had a good summer break.
We are so excited about meeting the children and sharing the learning that will be taking place in Reception.
The Reception Team
Badgers Class- Mrs Sangha and Miss Hussain
Squirrel Class- Miss Rani, Miss Barkes and Mrs Rafique.
This half term our topic is about; Me and My Community. Please see the curriculum newsletter at the bottom of this page.
Reading with your child
Sharing a book with your child is vital for your child’s development in literacy, communication, language, listening, understanding, social development and emotional wellbeing.
Reading books will be changed weekly. It is essential that you spend 5/10 minutes each night sharing your child's book with them, helping them to learn their tricky words and phonics sounds. Please make a comment in their diaries so we can keep up to date with the activities you have been doing, thank you. Please bring reading every day we will read with the children in school and then send their reading books back home.
PE and Games
PE will continue to take place on Thursday afternoons. Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kit every Thursday. No jewellery and hair tied back. Children will take part in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities that continue to focus on fine and gross motor skills.
Ways to help at home
- Encourage your child to be independent: getting dressed, feeding, and toileting. This will have a big impact on their confidence and help with their fine motor, which will support their writing.
- Share and talk about books together.
- Ask questions about your child’s day at school
- Enjoy a bedtime story with your child to encourage love for books.
- Give your child lots of opportunity to draw and write.
- Practise counting forward and counting out objects. Practise recognising numbers to 5 and then 10.
- Support your child to recognise and write their name. (Capital letter for the first letter of the name only)
Don’t forget we are always here to help. We have an open door policy.
Reception Team
Please sign up to the oxford owl website where you will find lots of e-books to share with your child.
Useful websites
Here is a list of some useful websites that can be used to support and extend children's learning at home, on top of school set homework.
Curriculum money
Activity money is £1.00 a week. This can be paid in half termly blocks. Letters to follow.
Class Dojo
We use Class Dojo as a way of communicating between school and home.
Showing you lots of wonderful things we are doing in school as well as giving you information about how to support your child's learning at home and upcoming events and notices.
We also award Dojo 'points' for children's brilliant achievements.