At Rosehill Infant and Nursery School, Miss Barber is curriculum lead for History.
'A high quality history education will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain's past and that of the wider world.
It should inspire pupils' curiosity to know more about the past.'
National Curriculum 2014
We believe that:
Every child has the right to achieve their maximum potential without a pre-conceived limit being put on their ability and attainment.
The ability to succeed is not fixed and this is clear in both lesson design and class teaching.
All children should be given the opportunity to access the lesson regardless of previous attainment.
High expectations should be made clear to all learners.
Emphasising the high value of history and geography education to all staff, pupils, parents and carers is key to creating successful learners.
All staff should strive to improve their pedagogy when teaching history where ever possible and feel supported by school and leadership.