Our Breadth of Study
We provide our children with a clear purpose and audience for writing. Every unit of writing throughout school is matched to a quality-text to provide a relevant stimulus for reading and writing. Text-level work (genre outcomes) and word and sentence level objectives are mapped alongside to ensure coverage is met. This means that the children are equipped with the skills and tools needed to write fluently for a range of meaningful purposes throughout the years. We aim to include ‘classic literature’ and award-winning new releases:
Foundation Stage
Children are immersed in a language rich environment to promote and develop a love of reading/books and early writing skills:
Writing to Entertain:
Writing to Inform
Lists, captions, letters, labels, menus……….
Year 1
Writing to Entertain:
Traditional tales
Narrative with repeated patterns
Poetry (calligrams/shape, traditional rhymes, learning by heart/performance)
Writing to Inform:
Recount of familiar event/personal experience
Captions, labels, invitations, letters, menus, postcards
Year 2
Writing to Entertain:
Traditional tales
Narrative-goody V baddy
Narrative-lost and found
Poetry (traditional rhymes, poems with structure, learning by heart)
Writing to Inform:
Non-chronological report
Recount (letter)